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Today’s lesson – “To have”
To have
El verbo “to have” es un verbo versátil y de uso común en inglés. Tiene múltiples significados y funciones dependiendo de su contexto. Estos son los principales usos y significados del verbo “to have”:

1. Possession
“To have” se utiliza a menudo para indicar propiedad o posesión de algo. Por ejemplo:
- I have a phone.
- They have a beautiful car.
- She has two cats.

2. Relaciones y familia
“To have” también puede utilizarse para describir relaciones o conexiones familiares. Por ejemplo:
- He has a brother.
- We have a strong bond as friends.
- The kid has a good relationship with his grandfather.

3. Experiencias y actividades
“To have” se utiliza para hablar de experiencias, actividades o cosas que vivimos o en las que participamos. Por ejemplo:
- We had a great time at the concert.
- She has a lot of fun playing football.
- We had an amazing dinner at the new restaurant.

4. Verbo auxiliar
“To have” también se utiliza como verbo auxiliar para formar tiempos compuestos, como el presente perfecto o el pretérito perfecto. Por ejemplo:
- I have studied for the test. (present perfect)
- She had already finished her work. (past perfect)
- They have been to that place before. (present perfect continuous)

5. Verbo modal
En algunos contextos, “to have” puede funcionar como verbo auxiliar modal para expresar necesidad, obligación o permiso. Este uso es más formal y menos común. Por ejemplo:
- You have to complete the assignment by tomorrow.
- We have to follow the rules.
- I have to go to the supermarket.
Ponte chid@ 👀
Es importante tener en cuenta que “to have” es un verbo irregular, por lo que su conjugación en diferentes tiempos puede variar. Se conjuga de la siguiente manera:
- Present: have/has
- Past: had
- Present Participle/Gerund: having
Comprender los distintos usos y significados de “to have” es esencial para comunicarse eficazmente en inglés, ya que se trata de un verbo fundamental que se utiliza en una gran variedad de contextos.
To have – present tense
I have
you have
he has
she has
it has
we have
they have
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “to have” in the present tense
- I ________ a cup of coffee every morning.
- She ________ a beautiful house in the countryside.
- They ________ two children.
- We ________ a meeting at 2 p.m.
- He ________ a talent for playing the guitar.
- The cat ________ a fluffy tail.
- You ________ an important role in the project.
- My parents ________ a vacation planned for next month.
- The company ________ a new CEO.
- They ________ a lot of responsibilities.
Answers: 1-have, 2-has, 3-have, 4-have, 5-has, 6-has, 7-have, 8-have, 9-has, 10-have.
2. For each sentence, identify the main use or meaning of the verb “to have”.
- Sarah has three cats. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - I had a fantastic vacation in Hawaii. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - They have been studying for the exam all week. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - We have to be at the airport by 8 am. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Modal verb - My parents have been married for 30 years. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - She had a hard time finding a parking spot. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - Do you have any siblings? [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - He had a lot of fun at the amusement park. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - She has a big family with five siblings. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb - We had a delicious dinner at that new restaurant. [ ]
a) Possession
b) Relationships
c) Experiences
d) Auxiliary verb
Answers: 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c.